
How To Run Deployment Scripts On A Virtual Network

How To Run Deployment Scripts On A Virtual Network

Deployment scripts are a feature of Bicep (and ARM templates) that allow you run either Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI scripts as part of your infrastructure as code deployment. This provides a means to do things in your deployment that Bicep can’t do natively. You’ll often hear this referred to as an “escape hatch”. If you can write it in Azure PowerShell or CLI (or any other PowerShell module if you download it), then you can do it in your deployment script.
Virtual Network Service Endpoints

Virtual Network Service Endpoints

It didn’t make it into todays Ignite Keynote, but today Microsoft released a preview of a new Azure service, Service Endpoints. It is now possible to take Azure services that have previously only had public endpoints, and restrict these to only allow access from a specific virtual network (or multiple networks), or even specific subnets. This preview is starting out with Azure SQL and Storage, with more services to come along soon.