Auzre Storage

Generate SAS Tokens in ARM Templates

Generate SAS Tokens in ARM Templates

Generate SAS Tokens in ARM Templates Without much fanfare, MS recently updated the ARM template spec to allow the creation of SAS tokens inside a template. This is excellent news for anyone who is deploying resources with ARM templates that rely on storage accounts and need a SAS token to access them. For those not familiar with SAS tokens, you can read more on them here but essentially Shared Access Signatures (SAS) provide a way to generate a key to undertake operations on a storage account, without needing the actual storage account key.
Azure Premium Storage Bandwidth Limits

Azure Premium Storage Bandwidth Limits

Azure Premium storage is a relatively new Azure feature that lets you replace your standard storage account with high performance, lower latency storage at an additional cost. Throughput of up to 200MB/s can be achieved with a single disk, and even more if multiple disks are combined on a single server. This all sounds great, but users of Premium Storage may find themselves disappointing when first testing this hardware, and receive less than advertised performance.