Getting secrets from Key Vault in a Pulumi project isn’t as simple as you might first think. Here’s why, and how best to retrieve them.

How to create Privileged Identity Management role assignments at deployment time using Bicep

How to make developing Bicep and ARM deployment scripts easier using Docker and VS Code remote Docker extension

As part of the Azure Spring Clean series we look at how you can use Logic Apps to enforce your Azure Cost Management budgets

How to use tokens and scope maps to create repoistory and time scoped permisisons for access to Azure Container Registry.

New Azure Monitor features mean cheaper options for long term storage and high volume log data.

How to join an Azure Container App environment to a virtual network as part of your Infrastructure as Code deployment

How to use the Azure Key Vault CSI driver to create secrets as well as volume mounts, from your Azure Key Vault secrets.

Deploy Pod Identity when using the AKS Flux extension can break things, here’s how to fix it.

Here’s how you can use Bicep or Pulumi (no Terraform yet) to enable the Flux v2 GitOps extension on AKS