Tips and tricks for taking the CKA exam coming from an Azure perspective
How to use Azure Storage and Key Vault to securely store your Pulumi state
My highlights of the announcments from Microsoft Ignite 2020
Troubleshooting not being able to connect to a service on your Azure VM from the outside world.
Project Bicep is a new Microsoft DSL for deploying resources in Azure, built on top of ARM tempalets
Pulumi is an Infrastructure as Code tool that let’s you use real programming languages. Let’s look at how it works.
How to create a VM that requires a plan when using Azure CLI or PowerShell
How the design of the Azure API and some missing NSG rules caused some head scratching when getting started with Pulumi
WTH are Azure AD Security Defaults? Learn how you can use security defaults to secure your AAD tenant and get MFA for free.
WTH are Azure Reservations? Heres what they are and how they might save you money on Azure resources