
Hands on with the Azure Resource Manager Terraform Provider

Hands on with the Azure Resource Manager Terraform Provider

Earlier this month at Build Microsoft announced a new feature for ARM templates, the Terraform Resource Provider. If you’re not familiar with Terraform, it’s a way to define cloud infrastructure declaratively much like ARM templates, but one of its big benefits is that it works across cloud providers. If you’re interested in learning more about Terraform in Azure then take a look at my comparison of Terraform vs ARM templates. I’ve had access to the preview of this new feature for ARM templates and wanted to share my experience.
Using Terraform with Azure - What's the benefit?

Using Terraform with Azure - What's the benefit?

If you’ve been to any cloud or devops conference or meetup in the last year, you’ve probably heard about Terraform, the Infrastructure as Code tool from Hashicorp, it’s been one of the big talking points of the devops community for some time now. Terraform is a proprietary language for creating infrastructure as code deployment solutions, and one of it’s biggest selling points is that it supports multiple different cloud vendors including Azure.