Azure for the AWS user Part 2 : Virtual Machines and IaaS

Azure for the AWS user Part 2 : Virtual Machines and IaaS

In the second part of this series we look at Virtual Machine and other associated IaaS components and how these translate from AWS to Azure. As with the previous article, the intent here is to provide a high level overview of the service and relate it to it’s AWS counterpart so those of you that are coming to Azure from AWS know where to start looking for the services you need and the documentation to help you get started.
Azure for the AWS user Part 1 : Identity

Azure for the AWS user Part 1 : Identity

I’ve seen a few forum questions lately from AWS users who want to (or have to) use Azure and whilst there are a lot of similar services in either platform, the new user experience and terminology can be very confusing if your used to AWS. This article is the first in a series of posts that I’m hoping will help users coming from AWS get to grips with Azure. To be very clear, I’m not looking to argue about which platform is best or why you should use one or ther other, I’m simply providing the information an AWS user needs to quickly get a grasp of Azure and relate it to what they already know.